Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Why I Chose Essential Oils

I want to briefly explain how I got into essential oils and hopefully explain why I chose the brand Young Living.

Almost 6 years ago my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 52. Terminal brain cancer. He lived for 15 months after diagnosis. At that point I realized that cancer was no longer something that just happened to other people...it hit me like a tidal wave that it could and was happening to us. There was no stopping it. At 25 years old, I naively believed everything the food industry, marketing and modern medicine told me about health. Watching my dad die of cancer changed all of that for me.  Disclaimer! I believe in all of the above listed...just not as much as I once did. I began examining my diet. I cut out aspartame (Diet Coke being my main squeeze at the time) which is known to cause a plethora of health issues, not the least of which is brain lesions! WHUT. I also began by slowing adding vegetables into my diet, exercising more and eating a whole food based diet.

I began my own journey of discovering the beauty of good and healthFUL foods. The nerd in me got excited as I began to learn how food changes us, for better or for worse, down to our very DNA (check out Deep Nutrition for a great resource on this). Fast forward to my dad passing away and me giving birth to our first daughter. My body was in shambles after years of neglect and the standard American diet which, sadly, is devoid of the nutrients we need to maintain health. I sought the care of a skilled naturopath after getting the run around at our primary care and very little help. Slowly but surely, I began to heal by giving my body the nutrients it needed and removing the various food stressors!

I became something I never thought I would be: an advocate for healthy food and all things "crunchy!" So it really was only a matter of time before I landed upon essential oils. I had been hearing about them for years, had had friends try to sell them to Me, but just wasn't in the place to do the research of my own and take the dive. After all...there are probably dozens of brands of oils on the market today...how on EARTH was I to choose the right one? What is the difference?

So I began some market research. There are two main differences in oils: therapeutic grade and what are labeled as pure essential oils. Most of the oils that you will find at the grocery store are fragrance oils or what are called pure essential oils.  They often contain synthetic chemicals instead of the actual plant and can this be harmful if applied directly to the skin or even diluted as recommended. This is why they are so inexpensive. I don't have much experience with these oils as I decided to go a different route.

I began researching Young Living oils specifically and was very impressed with their quality. They do not use pesticides in the growth and maintainance of their plants. They do all their weed control by hand. They have a top of the line distilling process that preserves the quality of the oil. They compensate well! They also do third party testing on every batch of oil so you know the quality is insured! (Source)

I never intended to sell the oils. I really just wanted a good deal so I could get started and learn how to use the oils. However, you kinda cant help but promote something that has benefited your life so much! We use them for almost everything! I first started using them for emotional support (Lavender, Frankincense,and Stress Away), but then began using the other oils to support my and my little family's immune systems (Thieves and Tea tree), joint and muscle recovery (Pan Away),  purify the air and get stains out of various areas of the home (purification), encourage more fluid intake by adding Lemon or peppermint, support healthy breathing during the winter months (R.C.), and helping troubled digestion by DiGIze.

The BEST deal is to order the Premium Starter Kit. It comes with 11 bottles of essential oils (Lavender, Stress Away, Lemon, Thieves, Purification, Tea Tree, Frankincense, Pan Away, Digize, R.C., and Peppermint) a diffuser, Essential Oil samples, travel or sharing size bottles, $160. Plus I through in my favorite Essential Oil Reference material ($25 value), and connect you with a whole team of support people to help you get the most out of your essential oils! This is an investment in your overall health and wellness and I promise is completely worth every penny! For the month of September, when you sign up to become a member, you will also receive a FREE bottle of Thieves Laundry Soap!                                                                                                                                                                    

When you purchase this PSK (Premium Starter Kit), from then on out, you pay the wholesale cost vs retail cost of every purchase. That's 24% savings on every order. You don't have to sell anything, but should you decide you WANT to, you will be well compensated. I'll post more on that in another post : )

I hope this has helped you to understand this brand of oils and why I decided to purchase!

You can click the link HERE to order!

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