Saturday, November 21, 2015

DIY Deoderant Spray and Health Benefits of Magnesium and Grapefruit

That may seem like a strange title...what do magnesium and deoderant have to do with eachother? Great question!

A few years back, I made the switch from conventional deodorant after learning about the harmful affects of chemicals. Aluminum being one of the main ingredients used in women's deodorant to stop odor and perspiration. It WORKS, but not without a cost.  Aluminum (among other chemicals/compounds) have been linked to both Alzheimer's and cancer. It's important to note that your there is one of the largest groupings of lymph nodes in your armpits. Lymph nodes are a part of the lymphatic system which is involved in removing wastes and toxins from the body. It is a very important part of the immune system.

Now that we understand a bit about the anatomy and physiology of the armpit, I think it's fairly easy to tell that great care should be taken to NOT expose this area to chemicals. do you find a deodorant that actually works that is free of chemicals and toxins? I have yet to find a natural or organic deodorant that has ACTUALLY worked for me.

It has been estimated that upwards of 80% of americans are deficient in magnesium. This is due largely to the standard american diet which is void of many nutrients. Conventional farming practices and the use of pesticides deplete the soil of magnesium, which means that hardly any actually ends up in produce or the meat that we eat. Magnesium is soothing to the nervous system (in a nutshell). It is also important for muscular function. Eating a whole food diet, preferably organic, will ensure that you are getting the maximum magnesium content from food. But most of us need some form of supplementation to really get our magnesium levels up. Two of my favorite ways to increase magnesium are through magnesium oil and epsom salt baths.

I began researching DIY deodorants after the birth of my second daughter and my natural deodorant was no longer cutting it. Not to mention the cost of natural deodorants is just a little too spend for my taste. Anyway...I landed upon a recipe that I am just now trying out.

The recipe is as follows:
 4oz glass bottle
 2 tbs magnesium oil
 20-30 drops of your favorite essential oil  (I chose grapefruit and I'll explain why below).
 Witch hazel

(Its important to use a glass bottle because essential oils have been known to cause plastic to leech. Not something I want in my body!)

I chose grapefruit oil because it is known to stimulate lymph flow, and I figured this would be a great place to make use of this oil given the cluster of lymph nodes. Grapefruit is also known to help breakdown fat, help balance hormones and help maintain a healthy metabolism. It also smells great! Magnesium oil does have a slight tingling sensation when first applied and this deodorant definitely needs a few minutes to dry, so keep that in mind ; )

Witch hazel is a natural astringent and cleans while soothing the skin.

If you would like more information on Essential Oils, please visit my other pages for detailed information or comment below :)

***UPDATE*** It totally works! I'm thrilled to finally find something that actually works!


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